Selenium ChromeDriver

Selenium ChromeDriver:

Selenium ChromeDriver is a standalone server that implements the wire protocol of the WebDriver library. It can download in executable form from the Selenium project’s Github account.

The wire protocol is described on its GitHub account. In addition, you can also find information on the OnAuthRequired event in Chrome.

Pre-requisites Selenium ChromeDriver:

Before you can create and run a Selenium test, you need to ensure that your computer meets the prerequisites.

This includes downloading the Java Runtime Environment and Selenium server from the Oracle website. Then, you need to install them. You can do this by following the directions for your operating system.

ChromeDriver is a separate executable that is used by Selenium. This project is maintained by the Chromium team and WebDriver contributors. This executable requires a working copy of the Chrome browser, but it can also install in a custom location.

Before you can install Selenium ChromeDriver for Windows, you must install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your PC. You can download the JRE from the Oracle website or use your operating system’s installer. You must also install the Selenium server.

Also, You can skip this step if you’re a beginner, but professionals will need to download the Selenium server 2. x from the official website. Once you’ve installed the Selenium server, you can install ChromeDriver by following the steps above. You can then run your tests.

Interfaces Selenium ChromeDriver:

The Selenium ChromeDriver interfaces provide a simple way to load a website and test its functionality. Its key methods are get (String), findElement(By), and find WebElements. The interface is implemented in Java and a number of implementations exist.

It is important to note that the methods that are supported by the ChromeDriver interface are not the same as those that are supported by other browsers.

The web driver interfaces in Selenium have several abstract methods and nested interfaces. These methods allow the user to perform operations on different elements by locating them and calling various methods.

For example, getURL() opens a new browser window with the given URL. get window handle() returns the window handle of any browser that has been opened.

Selenium WebDriver is a browser automation framework that uses open-source APIs. It works with real browsers to automate application testing.

The framework sends requests to the browser, which then executes the test case. Each request receives a response from the browser and sends it back to the Selenium IDE.


ChromeDriver is an extension of Selenium that can be installed with just a single command and interacts with the Selenium WebDriver to perform Selenium tests on the Chrome browser.

As you may already know, Chrome is the most popular web browser, and it is used by over two-thirds of internet users. To use Selenium on Chrome, you need to configure Selenium tests for Chrome.

The first step is to install the selenium-driver package. This will launch Google Chrome. You can also use the Selenium ChromeDriver to run tests on local websites. If you do not have Chrome, you can use the Selenium Standalone NodeJS package.

The Configuration for Selenium ChromeDriver can be customized by setting up several configuration properties.

The DesiredCapabilities class has several methods that allow you to configure individual web driver properties. For example, you can enable Chrome to accept SSL certificates.

OnAuthRequired event in Chrome:

The OnAuthRequired event of ChromeDriver triggers when the browser is not able to grant the user access to the website.

The driver then blocks indefinitely while it waits for the pending navigation to complete. It will show the port that the driver is using to communicate with the site.

This event occurs on the first request and may occur multiple times for a single request. For example, when you’re performing an authentication request or redirect, you might receive several events.

In such cases, the extension can alter the headers without flushing the cache. However, if the page refreshes, it might not respect the changed behavior because flushing the cache is an expensive operation.

When using the ChromeDriver, you need to make sure you configure it correctly. The ChromeDriver API includes the ability to enable performance logging.

This logging can include events from different domains, and it can even include tracing data. To enable performance logging, you can specify which categories you want to monitor.

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